Friday, January 28, 2011

some budding photographers...

First of all, I just want you to know, I did not take any of these pictures. But I did get permission from the artists to use them on this blog post. A couple of my kids got cameras for Christmas. Which is great. The day after Christmas, when I went into my computer to find a photo, I found something like 2000 new photos in my photo program. Which is ok. So we had a little discussion about taking photos and how to go through them and choose the best ones and delete the rest and blah blah blah. But as I looked through the photos, I noticed some really interesting ones and it made me think, wow, these kids are way more creative than me. I noticed some groups of pictures, all of the same object. My daughter showed me how it works. She quickly flipped through the pictures and it appeared as though the object was animated. It's a stop action film, she told me, we learned how to do it in school. School? What about math and reading and those sorts of things? There were quite a few flying pictures. Now I know what those noises were coming from the cellar that night. You know, when you holler, "What's going on?" and everyone says, "Nothing, mom." Oh, ok.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

a much brighter kind of day...

...feeling so much better today. I don't know if you've ever had a migraine, but it feels like someone in stiletto heels is standing on your head. Every tiny sound is like being in the front row at a Metallica concert. Even the tiny slit of light that sneaks in past the room darkening shades is like coming out of a movie theater on a sunny July day. The smallest movement feels like the fourth loop in a giant rollercoaster. Just a little reminder that I still can't eat chocolate. Ever. Taking it easy today, doodling and coloring in my journal. My mom gave me some Derwent inktense pencils for Christmas. They are watercolor ink pencils and I love the bold color. Also, thinking about some Valentine-ish things. More on that later...

Monday, January 24, 2011

a really darkish day...

...fighting a wicked migraine...

Friday, January 21, 2011

a very musical surprise...

Today, I feel a bit like a fairy godmother, awaiting my chance to work some magic. When my kids arrive home from school they will find a most melodious surprise. A piano! Junk for one man, a true treasure for us. My little music lovers are going to be so happy. I can almost hear the notes already...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

one man's junk...

My kids returned to school yesterday after their ridiculously long holiday break and I feel my life slowly returning to its' old routine. I thought I would show you some of my newly acquired treasures. A few were purchased, but most are heirlooms that were passed down to me on my recent trip up North ("up North" makes it sound like a frozen tundra, huh?). I dug the rhinestone earrings up out of a drawer stuffed full (I mean full) of rhinestone jewelry at one of my favorite antique shops. I've actually had a couple of dreams about that drawer. All the lovely lace came from rooting around in my moms' fabric stash. I just love digging through boxes and drawers, such great treasures to be discovered...My kids needed an antique fix this weekend and I was more than happy to oblige. I had not planned on buying anything, due to some recent pricey car repairs. But alas...I've had my eye on the lovely deep purple glass sea float for two years now. It's really big, like basketball sized, and it had a big price tag, so I have just admired it from afar. Well, they must have been tired of it hanging around, because it had a sale tag of just $5 and well, then I knew it was mine. I guess that old saying is man's junk is another woman's treasure.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

a handmade christmas...

In my last post, I mentioned that I made a simple and handmade Christmas this year. I love Christmas and the whole holiday season, but the last couple of years I really didn't enjoy it so much. The season ended with me feeling dissatisfied, frazzled and broke. So this year, I made a conscious decision to simplify, just so that I could really enjoy the essence of Christmas. I still decorated, but not as much. I only baked a few cookies for giving. I made all of my gifts (except for a few things for my kids). I only did the things that I really wanted to do. Working on my artistic gifts for the weeks leading up to Christmas was very therapeutic (free art therapy). As a result, I didn't feel rushed, I didn't gain any weight from eating too many cookies and best of all, no credit card bills. I felt relaxed and my kids seemed more relaxed. We had lots of music and fun and created some happy memories that will last forever. Our trip up North to visit extended family was the best gift ever. And now, with a fresh new year beginning, I feel refreshed and ready to begin anew...

Friday, January 7, 2011

sharing some happiness...

I am feeling pretty happy and I thought I would share with you some of my reasons...

- the sun is shining today
- my car is working
- my children are laughing
- there is banana bread baking in the oven and it smells soooooo good
- I enjoyed a nice hot shower this morning, while the kids were still sleeping
- I am feeling inspired artistically
- Koulson's mom gave us some homemade pineapple-lime jam
- my dog is giving me adoring looks
- my husband called to say "I love you"
- my daughter took a nice picture of me and my parents on our recent visit
- I believe in my dreams
- I made a simple and handmade Christmas this year and now I have no post-holiday regrets
- I have Starbucks in my cup
- I have great goals for the new year
- I find that I am becoming an optimist
- with this new year, I feel like my life is just beginning

Thursday, January 6, 2011

haven't seen you in a while...

Happy New Year! I know it's been awhile...we traveled up North after Christmas, to snowy Syracuse, where we had the best time frolicking in the snow...

making precious family memories...

enjoying a sunny day, ice skating at the beautiful outdoor rink downtown...

ringing in the new year...

visiting all of our family and celebrating some birthdays...