Tuesday, July 31, 2012

rain in the sunshine...

i'm hanging around my studio this afternoon for the first time in a while, looking for something to do.  there's plenty to do really.  i'm way behind on lots of things.  but, it's just one of those days.  where i'm thinking, "what do i feel like doing?"  the sun outside is shining brightly.  beckoning me.  but no.  it's way too hot to be outside.  and now it has started to rain.  rain in the sunshine.  and it's just so beautiful.  i wish you could be here and we could enjoy it together.

i'll make us a tall iced coffee.  with lots of cream and sugar.  we can chat for a while and i'll show you some of my recent junk shop finds.

like this pile of tattered white lace...

or this crusty old book, with its' worn, scuffed cover and crispy brown pages...

and this faded old quilt, made of the softest cottons and silks and carefully tufted by hand, so obviously loved  by someone once...

perhaps, we'll feel like scribbling away in our journals.  or perhaps not.

yes, we'll just while away the afternoon.  doing not much of anything really.  just enjoying the rain in the sunshine...

1 comment:

  1. I love Iced coffee, sunshine in the rain and scribbling ;D
    It was nice to visit you~
    You scored some wonderful finds. I love old quilts, old books and tattered white lace!
    You speak my language, lol
