Monday, March 25, 2013

spring snow...

 Out of the bosom of the Air,
Out of the cloud-folds of her garments shaken,
Over the woodlands brown and bare,
Over the harvest-fields forsaken,
Silent, and soft, and slow descends the snow.
-henry wadsworth longfellow-


  1. Yes, the march of madness continues. I always think of March, as the April Fool month regarding weather~

    I love your photos, your view :D

  2. Lovely photos, definitely a mad march :)

  3. yes, mother nature is playing some tricks on us this year!

  4. Vicki, I'll bet you thought you were in Syracuse again!!! We have been pretty lucky this week. I'm hoping we are done with snow. I love your pictures though. You make snow look pretty!!!

    Love, Eileen
