Monday, December 24, 2012

christmas wishes...

i've been taking a little break so that i may make a little magic with my family.
but i've been thinking about you and i wanted to send a few wishes your way.

  i wish you bright happy days and dark sparkling nights.
i wish you happiness and peace within.
i wish you the love of family and friends.
and of course, i wish you a bit of magic too.

see you next year...


  1. Thank you Vicki! I hope you and your family have a very merry Christmas :)

  2. Hi Vicki, I did find some magic! Thank you~ I hope you received some too~ enJOY your wonderful family :D

  3. Merry Christmas Vicki, to you and yours~

  4. Hope you had a wonderful holiday with your family - broke my heart to read about your youngest and Santa - but what a BEAUTIFUL explanation you gave him. Reminds me a lot of how my mom talked about Santa with me and my siblings.
