Friday, May 4, 2012


i think i mentioned that i used up all of the pages in my journal.  well, life has been busy lately and i just haven't had time to make a new one for myself.  yet, i still feel that pull to glue and scribble and drip paint...what's a girl to do?  i pulled out my favorite brown shipping paper and cut off a big piece - something like 2-1/2 feet by 3-1/2 feet and tacked it to my studio wall.  i slapped some gesso on it the first day and left it.  over the course of a couple of weeks, i glued some random things, made some pencil sketches, dripped some paint, painted a flower...  i was feeling a bit blackish the day i added all of the black paint, mostly with my hands and i have to say, painting with your hands is fun, although i'm still scraping it out of my nails.  the word "surrender" came on a day i started to get too serious about it.  i meant for this to be real casual, not a masterpiece or anything - just a place to let go.  LET GO.  yeah, really loving those two words lately.  sometimes i get caught up in doing things a certain way.  or worried because i don't know much about painting.  but i'm starting to realize that it really doesn't matter.  the important thing is that i'm doing it.   i am free.  there's no right or wrong way.  i am inventing my life as i go along.  and it's good to not know things.  looking forward to learning new things is one of the sweet parts of life.  one of the many sweet parts of this life that i am so grateful for...


  1. i just love this and the sheer freedom you felt in making it! i keep thinking i need to try my hand at bigger and freer... you have insprired me :)

  2. I too love the idea of letting go! It is so freeing to create like this. I think our soul is allowed to dance, when we do decide to "let go"~

    Your art is stunning! Thanks for sharing :D

  3. thank you's nice to know i've inspired someone...
